A R o m a n V i l l a & G a r d e n

o n t h e

C a e l i a n H i l l

R o m e , I t a l y

Situated on some of the best real estate in Rome to the south of the Colosseum, is a plot of land that has gone through many years of neglect. During the spring semester of our year in Rome we were tasked with creating a proposal for this site to be used as a villa and garden for the Academy of San Luca. This project was my opportunity to explore the Roman Villa and Garden typology and to revitalize a portion of Rome that is steeped in history.

For my proposal I studied in depth the architecture of Vingola as well as the gardens of Villa Lante and the Boboli Gardens in Florence. For the Villa proper I looked at the compostion of Villa Giulia, but with the added component of a small chapel. The end result is a villa and garden that creates a series of outdoor rooms taking one from the man made to the natural.